
Proudly Serving Believers throughout Leeds and Yorkshire


About The Apostles' Continuation Church International

Established in 2004, the Leeds Assembly of The Apostles' Continuation Church International is committed to studying, teaching, preaching, and practising the Word of God, i.e. the Bible. Through our church and ministry work, we show the power and love of God through the Holy Spirit by sharing the teachings of Jesus, making disciples, and serving the city of Leeds, Yorkshire. Get in touch today for more information.


Our History

“And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.”

- Mark 16:15 & 16

The Apostles’ Continuation Church International, which is part of the Body of Christ, traces its humble origins to the ministry of the late Apostle Emmanuel Kwadwo Owusu and eight others. The Church commenced at Duayaw Nkwanta, Ghana in 1980 with the principal aim of practising and inculcating in others what the Lord Jesus Christ has commanded in the Holy Scriptures.

The Church is a grassroots-based, apostolic and prophetic movement with a strong church planting heart. The Church is dedicated to reaching as many people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ as is possible before His return, thus fulfilling the Great Commission. Through the grace of God and the enterprise of the leaders and members of the Church, several assemblies have been established around the world, in Africa, Europe, North America, and the Middle East.

In the UK, the Church originated from a house fellowship founded in February 1996. The fellowship then elected leaders and registered the Church with the Charity Commission in the UK in July 1997. The first assembly in the north of England was established in Leeds by Pastor Opoku Kwaku Amoah and his wife Mrs Evelyn Amoah in 2004. Spreading the Church’s teachings far and wide, they helped to establish the Bradford and Manchester Assemblies between 2008 and 2010.

The Leeds Assembly started as a small flame but over time, we have been fuelled and continue to be fuelled by the strong winds and the anointing oil of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, with God on our side, we shall grow to fulfil the Great Commission.

Our vision

At our church, we believe the body of Jesus Christ is made up of diverse individuals who have unique gifts and skills to contribute to the growth of the Church. Therefore, there is a part for everyone to play, as we pray, serve, and give. We also believe working in partnership is vitally important to the growth of the Church. As a District Church, we work in partnership with Bradford Assembly and Manchester Assembly, the other two local assemblies in the Yorkshire District of the Church, under the leadership of Pastor Kwaku Opoku Amoah to plant or revitalise an assembly every 3 – 4 years.

leadership and governace 

The Apostles' Continuation Church International is a hierarchical organisation with governance at the local assembly exercised by Local Presbytery Council. The Local Presbytery Council of the Leeds Assembly is the Assembly’s coordinating and highest decision-making body. The Local Presbytery Council is headed by the Pastor of the Leeds Assembly, Pastor Kwaku Opoku Amoah, and is also made up of all Elders, all Deacons and Deaconesses and some co-opted members of the Leeds Assembly.

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Kwaku Opoku Amoah

Head Pastor

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Enoch Aboagye Da-Costa

Presiding Elder

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Michael Amoako

UK Regional Deacon

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Dr Nana Osei

Deacon & Administrative Secretary

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Regina Asante

Deaconess & Leader of Women's Fellowship

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Amos Acheampong

Deacon & Leader of Men's Fellowship and Youth Ministry

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Evelyn Amoah

Church Mother

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Ama Appiah-Dankwah

Financial Secretary

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Rita Osei

Leader of Ushering Ministry

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Lisa Ohenewaa

Assistant Leader of Ushering Ministry


Sharing the word of god

Thinking locally and globally, our church organisation shares the Word of God with all Mankind.